Sunday 24 February 2013

A little holiday in review.

I'm back from Bedford! I had a great time with family over the last few days but it's good to be home in lovely snowy Newcastle and back in my comfy bed. I didn't really take any pictures, apart from the few on my instagram, but the ones I do I have, I will share!
 From Newcastle to Bedford it usually takes around four hours, on this particular journey though, it took 6 and a half hours. I was ready to pull my hair out. Once we got there it was around 10pm and we couldn't be bothered to do anything so we played Spore until around 12, and then loads the next day! It's such a good game which my brother owned years ago. It was nice just to chill and spend time with each other for a while.
On the Thursday we visited Milton Keynes for a shopping day, I did get a few awesome things, I'll do a haul soon enough! After a few hours of browzing we headed to my favourite place in the world... Costa! I love the strawberry Lemonade there, it's really refreshing and yummy, even though we were freezing this was my beverage of choice! After this we headed back to my Aunties house and ate cake and played monopoly. It was the most I've laughed all year, so many jokes and so much cheating that I was crying and had stomach cramp. That's the best way to spend an evening right?
This was just a poster my family had up in their guest bedroom, they have an obsession with all things to do with New York and America in general. It's not usually my thing, but now I really want to own this for myself. Look at how cute King Kong is!
I was attempting to take a picture of my outfit for the Friday but no matter how close or far away I was to the mirror it would look blue. I deemed by self 'The Creature of the Deep Blue', because I am in act a totally normal person. Despite knowing I would be walking around in the cold I decided to wear a skater skirt to walk around Cambridge, Geordies don't get cold!

A quick sneak peek and a top that I bought in Milton Keynes. In Cambridge we went for a quick dinner at a small underground place called Carringtons where I had the best shepards pie I have ever tasted in my life! I love homely British food like that, it's my favourite! After stuffing our faces my sister, my cousin and I decided to head off and tackle the shops, I didn't buy much but it was a still a good day! Of course we ended the day at another Coffee place, this time Starbucks, which, I don't really like that much. I did however pick up a chocolate and hazelnut slice and Caramel cream Frappe, if you hadn't gathered already, I don't like Coffee.

There we go, my holiday in review! It was great fun and I love seeing my family. A haul should be up soon with the things I bought. What have you guys been up to recently?
Amy xx

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